HomeCLOUD COMPUTING5 Reasons To Manage Your Next Project In The Cloud

5 Reasons To Manage Your Next Project In The Cloud

For some years now, much has been said about the advantages of applications in the cloud and even the creation of project in the cloud as an alternative to software installed locally, such as Microsoft’s business suite with Excel and Word.

Even so, many companies still need to be faster to accept that their projects, clients, and operations should have been on the web long ago.

Some of this fear comes from the lack of information. When talking about software as a service or cloud computing, many business people think of their data being spread out without control and accessible to everyone on the internet. The truth is that web management systems have already evolved to the point of replacing local software without compromising the security or operation of the company.

But these are not the only advantages. Below we list five of the main reasons for you to start managing your projects in the cloud.

It’s Quick To Implement

Software installed locally, even those hired especially for your company, is built after long meetings, scope drawings, surveys, and mapping demands and needs. This process is valid in certain situations, but in others, mainly for small and medium-sized companies, it makes the acquisition slow and bureaucratic.

Through cloud software, it is possible to implement quickly with a few clicks and some data. Many companies don’t even require a credit card at first login. This speed can be a competitive differential for your company.

It’s Cheaper

Small and medium-sized companies intend to spend only a small sum to have project management software. Even local alternatives like Excel have expensive and often non-transferable licenses, which leads many business people to opt for piracy.

On the other hand, in addition to being cheaper, cloud software has subscription plans that do not force the company to commit a lot of money right at the beginning. If the option is a solution coming from a startup, you also get differentiated support since this type of company usually pays special attention to its few customers.

No Need For An IT Department

Another great fear of entrepreneurs is the idea that it is necessary to hire a technology department to manage projects. For local software, it is essential, as they depend on integrations, maintenance, and bug fixes. But the software in the cloud is maintained by the companies that created it, thus eliminating the need for a programming specialist at the customer’s company. Most of this type of software is built for customers who need to be tech-savvy.

It’s More Flexible

The flexibility of managing a project in the cloud comes at several levels: portability and mobility are among the main ones. First, you don’t depend on hardware; even older computers with internet access will have no problem “hosting” software in the cloud.

The second point is that mobility allows you to access all information from a tablet or smartphone anywhere in the world as if you were in your company. This is useful for you or your employees as it provides differentiated customer service, creating another competitive advantage.

You Have More Options

When you buy a license or hire a company to build new local software, you accept that solution will be the best. It is common in these cases for the customer to leave dissatisfied, as the number of options is limited.

Taking all your management to the cloud, it is possible for you to test a service for a while, often for free, and only then decide whether you want to commit to the company or not. This way, you facilitate the migration between one service and another until you find the one you like the most. In addition, even after payment, you can cancel the service and search for another option. No headaches and no complications.

Also Read: Sales Cloud: Mastering The Salesforce Sales CRM

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