HomeMARKETINGIndustrial Marketing: Strategies For The Coming Years

Industrial Marketing: Strategies For The Coming Years

Industrial marketing (B2B marketing or business marketing) is the dissemination of products/services from companies to other companies. Thus, it differs from B2C marketing, which is focused on promoting products and services to the final consumer.

Read on and discover how to use digital marketing strategies to optimize processes and leverage sales in your industry!

What Is Industrial Marketing?

Industrial marketing is responsible for connecting companies with companies. In this way, an industry’s marketing is aimed at other companies that need the product or service it offers.

This is the case for steel distributors, industries that develop large machines, or plastic injection companies, for example. In this way, its products and services are not intended for the final consumer but for other companies.

The purpose of digital marketing for industries is to develop strategies that bring results, generate value and provide more sales opportunities!

Difference Between B2B And B2C Marketing

B2B (business to business). Therefore, B2B marketing, as we have seen, stands out for creating relationships between companies. B2C marketing (business to customer) is intended for companies providing services or offering products to the final consumer (individual).

So, as these two types of marketing are dedicated to reaching very different audiences, there are also marked differences between them! The main ones are in the language and the purchase decision.


While the language of B2B marketing is more technical, often having industry jargon to communicate with companies, B2C marketing is more humanized. The public of companies values ​​knowledge and technical quality! Individuals, on the other hand, like to relate to brands that speak like them.

Buying Decision

The purchase decision is also different. Generally, business professionals do not make purchasing decisions alone and need superior approval. And because the chain of command is longer, the purchase decision process is more complex.

Individuals are different. They often decide to buy on their own and do so based on their emotions. This makes the purchase decision process shorter, as they take less time to evaluate their options and are affected by emotional needs: hunger, status, and price.

How to do marketing for the industry? – Best Strategies

Over all these years, developing strategic routes for customers’ digital presence in different industrial segments, we have identified the most assertive ones for industries. You can check it out below!

Google Ads

Google Paid Ads (formerly Google AdWords) is one of the most effective tools to boost sales in an industry! Google Ads brings as its main benefit the possibility of obtaining expressive results quickly (a few months of investment!).

With this digital strategy, it is also possible to measure what is or is not working and choose any investment amount and segment so that the ads are shown to the best audience.

In addition, it is scalable because as you increase the amount invested, so do the leads and profits in your industry! Another advantage is that you can do remarketing, showing your ad to people who have already accessed your site and shown interest in your product/service!

Content Marketing And SEO

These two strategies are intrinsically related and are ideal for expressive and constant results in the medium to long term. They are wildly applied in creating and nurturing a Blog. For this, your industry publishes articles that consider the most searched topics (keywords) about your segment to answer questions and educate the audience.

The industrial audience likes educational content that delivers value, so B2B industries benefit a lot from these strategies! In addition, having relevant and valuable content for the audience shows your industry as an authority on the subject and ensures the public’s trust.

Content marketing can still be used on other digital channels, such as social media and email marketing.

Alignment Between Marketing And Sales

When the marketing and sales team are not aligned, the sales team often fails to convert the opportunities and leads brought by the marketing team’s actions into deals!

In these cases, investing in a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tool is essential to prevent opportunities from being missed! The CRM holds important information about consumption patterns, lead profiles, and their interaction with your company, avoiding mistakes — like having two salespeople talking to the same customer!

Also Read: Creative Intelligence Is Transforming Digital Marketing

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