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Add Me To Search – How To Create Your Own Google’s People Card?

Create your own people card on Google and add yourself to Google search by following the instructions in the article.

Google is one of the most popular and widely used search engines worldwide and works according to the search queries made by the user. To supply the users with accurate results, Google developed several algorithms. The team of Google constantly works to bring out innovative developments in the search engine. Over time, Google has launched many creative ideas for its users. One such development is facilitating the users to frame their own people cards.

Google named it the ‘Add me to search‘ feature as ‘People Card‘ as this feature lets you write a snippet or a few lines about yourself. So, when people search for your name on Google, they can read information about you in the form of a short bio where you can also include your professional achievements. Business cards or Visiting cards are slowly becoming outdated. Google’s People Card has become the modern way of conveying yourself besides the LinkedIn account.

Google’s People Card feature is available only in India, Nigeria, Kenya and South Africa. The feature works only for people who set the language on their device as English or Hindi. The ‘Add me to search‘ feature has gained a lot of popularity and is rolling out to other countries. So, it will be a wise step if you create your own People Card.

In this article, we will explain in detail the process of creating a Google People Card, editing it and removing it from the search engine. We will also give you tips on how to make your People Card more reachable and effective.

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How to create your own Google’s People card?

  1. First, open Google Chrome on your device and type ‘Add me to search‘ in the search bar.
  2. Then you will find the option ‘Get started‘ on the results page. Click on the option.
  3. A window opens for you, asking you to fill the empty fields like the name, location, occupation, information about yourself, and job description. You should fill all the fields without fail as they are mandatory.
  4. Below these are other fields like your work, education, hometown, website, social profiles, email address, phone number, etc. These are not compulsory, but you can choose whichever field you want to fill up to add to your People Card.
  5. In this window, you can add all your social media handles like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, Sound Cloud, and Pinterest.
  6. Google will also display your phone number and email Id associated with your Google account to autofill in the concerned fields. However, you will always have the option to avoid or not to mention them in your People card. If you want to maintain privacy regarding your details, you can avoid displaying them.
  7. After filling up all the relevant details in the blank fields, your People Card is created. You can have a preview of it to check whether all the information furnished is correct before publishing it. You can save your Google’s People Card.
  8. Finally, your People card is set online, and brief information about yourself appears in a few lines on the search engine whenever the public searches for your name.

How to edit your People Card on Google search?

If you want to change the information you provided to your people card, follow the below instructions. Editing your People Card is as simple as creating it.

  1. Open Google Chrome on your device and log into your account.
  2. Then type “edit my people card” in the search bar.
  3. When your People Card appears on the screen, you will find the option ‘Edit‘ on the top right corner of the screen.
  4. Make changes as and where required and preview the information. Save the People Card after making the changes.
  5. Now the edited People card will appear to the people who search for your name on Google.

Steps to remove email and phone number from Google People Card

Whatever information you provide is displayed on our People card. As it is in the public domain, everybody can see it when they search for your name. If you have business dealings and want the customers to contact you, you can add your phone number or email ID. But if you want to maintain privacy, you can remove your phone number and email ID from your People Card. Follow the below steps to do it quickly.

  1. Open Google Chrome and log into your account.
  2. Type “Edit my people card” in the search bar.
  3. A new window opens on which you will find the option ‘Edit‘ at the top right corner. Click on it.
  4. Now, delete your phone number and email id details from the respective fields and leave them blank.
  5. At the bottom of the window, you will find a ‘preview‘ option. Click on it to preview your People Card after the changes are made.
  6. Check the People Card whether the contact information is removed or not.
  7. If the changes made are okay, click the ‘save‘ option to save the People Card.

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How to remove Google People Card from the search engine?

If you are not interested anymore in sharing your personal profile through People Card on Google, here’s how you can remove it. Follow the below steps.

  • Open your device’s Google Chrome web browser and log into your Google account.
  • Type ‘Edit my card‘ on the search bar.
  • You will get an option on the next screen to remove your people Card.
  • When you scroll down, you will find the option ‘Remove my search card from Google‘. Click on it.
  • Then your People card and all your information are removed from the Google search engine.

Tips to make your People card more reachable and effective

Google’s ‘add me to search‘ feature is surprisingly a very useful tool if you want to convey your personal identity through People Card on Google to the public. However, you should be very careful when filling in your personal details. You should also follow certain tips and Google’s terms and conditions while creating your People Card. We have listed a few points to remember while creating your People card to make it more effective and reachable to the public.

  1. First, remember that the information you provide must be genuine. If the information you have provided on your People card does not match your professional job, then Google could remove your Card from the search.
  2. You must update your information regularly on your People card. If the information is not up to date, then Google considers your Card inactive and may remove it from the search index.
  3. The aspects like ‘Hometown‘ or ‘profession‘ are the most relevant fields for people searching for your name on Google. So it would help if you focused on filling them accurately.
  4. You should provide transparent information about your professional and personal details. The photos or pictures you provide must be apparent and should not be misleading. The public must recognize you instantly when they see your image on Google’s people card. You should not give incorrect information, especially about your job, work, or business details. You must not try to mislead others with wrong information.
  5. It would help if you did not use subjective words like “best” or “affordable” related to advertisements on your Google People card.
  6. The Google People Card must not be slanderous or disrespectful towards other people or organizations. It would be best if you did not use derogatory language when conveying about your previous colleagues or workplaces.
  7. Your People card must not project unlawful behaviour. You should not use vulgar language in the information you have provided on your Google People card. You must avoid profane or hateful language about others on your Card.
  8. You must claim a position or business as your own if you are not the owner of it. You must respect the privacy rights on your People Card.
  9. You should not upload images that you don’t have copyrights to use or claim for.

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