Industry Processes: The new technologies that appear before the market daily set up a scenario of increasingly rapid and constant changes.
Information and communication technologies have allowed incredible speed and automation of previously unimaginable processes.
An example of this set of transformations is the arrival of these new technologies to the processes of industries and the production chain, also called Industry 4.0. Advents such as cloud computing, data collection and processing, and artificial Intelligence have been used to optimize the fluidity of operations in the supply chain, and the latter has brought significant changes from the point of view of forecasting demands.
Using software and other tools based on artificial Intelligence can guarantee a competitive advantage for agents who adhere to it correctly.
Artificial Intelligence proves to be an indispensable tool to support industry tools and operations, as well as a guarantee of greater integration in the processes of agents in the production chain. However, there still needs to be more clarity regarding the terms and how they can benefit agents in the production chain.
Do you want to know more about artificial Intelligence and how it helps the industry to build more fluid work dynamics with its partners and channels? So follow us in the content below to learn everything about this advent transforming production chains.
What Is Artificial Intelligence?
Many still need clarification on the term artificial Intelligence and especially about how it can act practically within an industry’s operations, for example. After all, what is artificial Intelligence, and what makes it different from a standard automated process?
First, it is necessary to understand the process of human Intelligence since that is what artificial Intelligence is based on.
A human brain can perform and hierarchize tasks of different levels of complexity, and its autonomy allows for a judgment capacity in the face of different situations in everyday life.
The evolution of the human species has allowed your mind to make diverse associations based on factors such as cognition and subjectivity and, thus, generate what we call Intelligence.
It is the Intelligence that allows us to perceive the world around us and interpret it according to what is intelligible to us, an element that grants us abilities such as solving different logical problems, recognizing similarities in different situations or deciding which is the best route to follow in a heavy traffic location, for example.
Therefore, Intelligence is present in simple elements of our daily lives and in more complex aspects that require more accurate reasoning and attention.
That said, what exactly does artificial Intelligence have to do with it? Artificial Intelligence emerges as a way of simulating this Intelligence, delegating this judgment and analysis capacity to computers, which reduces the burden of these simple tasks for humans.
Currently, technologies based on artificial Intelligence do not have the same processing capacity and judgment equivalent to that of a human mind.
However, much can already be done thanks to artificial Intelligence, as is the case with several applications for smartphones, virtual assistants and other technological tools for daily use that we use, whether for leisure or work.
In the case of artificial Intelligence, the capacity for judgment and decision-making takes place through commands built through a programming process known as algorithms.
Algorithms are responsible for the guidelines that will define the focus of action of Artificial Intelligence, which means that they are used in many different sectors, such as industry.
Artificial Intelligence And Industry Operations
For today’s companies, artificial Intelligence emerges as a process facilitator of automated processes, granting greater credibility and reliability.
Artificial Intelligence can be present at various stages of a product’s cycle through well-built programming and algorithms, from manufacturing to after-sales implications and data ( sell-out ).
For agents in the production chain, this means greater versatility in their operations and the possibility of building tools that can be optimized according to their needs in the processes.
Due to its versatility and because it has an extensive range of possibilities in the construction of products and services, Artificial Intelligence can be present in all production stages of an industry.
For example, all production, transportation and product sales processes generate a large amount of data and information that requires compilation and interpretation. The distribution and sale of a product to the final consumer can be the key to obtaining valuable insights that can define an industry’s production pace.
By obtaining this data processed and ready for interpretation, industry managers can predict demands well in advance and, thus, define the best actions from that moment onward for subsequent operations.
In this way, the industry cuts a multitude of costs that could be employed in the interpretation and processing of data, as well as saving time since the processing of this data takes little time or is updated in real-time.
For these reasons, artificial Intelligence is increasingly present in industrial processes and integration tools that allow for greater synergy between industry activities and its partner channels.
This helps in the continuation of building more robust and well-structured partnerships since the integration of channels is the newest trend in the current market.
A tool based on artificial Intelligence can grant managers greater visibility of processes and their direct and indirect consequences, making management more focused on decisions based on insights, cutting a part of the process that would require more time and resources.
In summary, artificial Intelligence emerged as a bridge between agents, sectors and operations that previously required time and bureaucracy and was susceptible to various errors that harmed production.
It is no wonder that artificial Intelligence can be used as a basis for operations in companies in different sectors and various business models. Today, we see artificial Intelligence in areas such as education, health, and transportation.
Considering all these points about artificial Intelligence, the new market trend is the integration between agents and operations, aiming to generate a more efficient delivery of high-added value products to consumers.
Therefore, artificial Intelligence will be an increasingly integral part of dynamically making this happen in supply chains.