HomeCLOUD COMPUTINGHave You Heard About Cloud ERP Systems?

Have You Heard About Cloud ERP Systems?

Cloud ERP Systems: Technology never stops developing, and contemporary companies must adapt to this reality, always looking for innovative solutions to meet their demands in the most varied senses.

In this sense, cloud ERP is being developed, a new development that promises to bring several advantages to companies, both in terms of usability and the business area itself.

Despite this, as it is relatively new, many business owners or managers in companies still need to think of cloud ERP. With this in mind, we have listed the main questions that exist and clarified them in the following topics.

What Are The Usability Benefits Of The Virtual Management System?

Cloud ERP systems present several benefits for companies regarding usability, that is, how this type of program is used in companies. Understand a little more about each of them below.

More Accessible And More Practical Interface

The interface of this type of system is more accessible and more practical, meaning that extensive training or very advanced computer knowledge is not required to navigate.

This is justified because the program was developed based on information architecture principles, leaving the items and buttons applied in strategic locations so that they can be easily located by users.

Efficiently Execute Commands That Were Previously More Complex

Good information architecture and natural programming language also allow commands, previously considered complex, to be more accessible to execute.

The software is equipped with a virtual assistant, which has technology that allows answers to questions asked by the user. This way, more complex commands can be carried out more quickly, even preventing errors from occurring.

Perform Transactions

Cloud ERP also carries out different types of transactions in other areas of companies. Thus, the program can be helpful for Customer Relationship Management – ​​CRM –and WMS Logistics Management.

Search Information

As highlighted, the virtual management system has an integrated assistant. This allows different searches to be carried out in the system.

Such searches help activities to be carried out more quickly in companies, as everything will be located more easily. This also means that decisions can be better structured and planned based on concrete data.

What Are The Advantages Of Cloud ERP For Business?

In addition to the usability benefits, cloud ERP also presents several advantages for the business itself. See some of the main ones.

Cost Reduction

Intelligent systems can develop cognitive abilities that were previously exclusive to humans. This allows computers to recognize voices, perform searches, and perform other small tasks.

This reality reduces organizational costs since the system can carry out more bureaucratic activities. At the same time, human capital can only be dedicated to more strategic issues.

Automation And Standardization

Still talking about artificial intelligence, cloud ERP systems can help ensure all company procedures are automated and standardized.

This also makes it easier for the company to be more organized, which directly affects decision-making, as well as activities carried out more efficiently.

A business capable of increasing its revenue without increasing costs is called scalable. This way, cloud ERPs are fully scalable.

This is justified because investment in this technology will give companies a strategic advantage, which will increase their profits. After all, decisions and procedures will be carried out more quickly and practically.


Another advantage of cloud ERP is that the program makes periodic backups, thus preventing company data and files, such as reports, from being lost.

With backup, the organization is prevented from losing its information due to invasions by malicious programs and viruses, for example.


Cloud ERP is also equipped with a database that stores various information that is relevant to the organization. Plus, everything is stored in the cloud.

With data stored in the cloud and not on company computers, data is more secure. This is because they are stored somewhere in cyberspace and not on physical platforms.

Thus, if a computer breaks down or is invaded by a virus, the company’s data will not be harmed, as it is not stored on any physical machine.

Also Read: Five Reasons To Host ERP In The Cloud

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