HomeMARKETINGHow To Do SMS Marketing The Smart Way

How To Do SMS Marketing The Smart Way

Have you noticed that even with several alternatives for sending instant messages, good old SMS is still one of the channels most used by companies? 

SMS may not be the darling of the moment, but check it out: it is independent of app installation. In addition, any device can receive, even without data traffic. Given these advantages, let’s chat about how to do SMS marketing.

After all, it’s always good to take advantage of an already consolidated technology to further optimize marketing campaigns, don’t you agree? Below, we’ve listed eight tips that will perfect your strategy. Follow!

Start With Planning

Regardless of the channel used (SMS, email, push, etc.), to obtain good results from a campaign, it is necessary to plan in detail the business objectives, answering questions such as: who is the target audience, what will be communicated, in what moment, day and time, which channel will be used, what will be the offer, etc. These are basic questions so that you can measure results and define success indicators at the end of the campaign. However, for your planning to be well executed, an updated database is essential, and, in the case of SMS, this database must contain updated telephone numbers.

Remember that the maximum number of characters available for the default format is 160. The concatenated SMS holds 1520. There is also the option of sending a Flash SMS: the complete text appears on the cell phone screen, and the person reads it instantly. However, one must use it carefully, avoiding being invasive.

Segment Your Audience

It is common to hear consumers complaining about SMS or email marketing they receive. Most report that “nearly all the marketing messages that come in are useless.” However, satisfaction is general when the company sends the right message to the right audience.

Segmenting is the result of data collection and filters able to select only people interested in what you have to say at that moment. The success of this action involves integrating the CRM or Relationship Management System with the Campaign Management platform.

As virtually all customers have smartphones, SMS is almost always an excellent channel option for the approach, capable of achieving great results.

Be Clear And Objective

SMS character capacity is similar to Twitter. If you follow this social network, you know that clarity and objectivity are essential in communications. So think carefully before posting. Use simple words and short sentences, and be creative.

However, as we saw before, a good campaign management solution, such as Mutant 360 Campaign, offers the possibility of concatenating SMSs, comprising around 1,520 characters that, for the consumer, are displayed uniquely.

In addition to the traditional SMS and its concatenated version, the channel allows the sending of interactive SMSs, known as SMS2way, where it is possible to send questions to the consumer, designed to receive different types of responses, which, in turn, derive new questions or answers.

Finally, there is also the option of sending a Flash SMS, which consists of a type of message available on the consumer’s phone display, making it mandatory to read it so that the cell phone can be accessed. It is important to point out that this option must be used with care, so use it in cases where reading the message is of extreme urgency or importance.

Regardless of the chosen SMS option, take advantage of the opportunity and develop a good CTA (call to action). The contact number, website address, or invitation to access the product link are great examples of effective CTAs.

Customize The Message

Each audience has its characteristics. While the younger generations tend to behave coolly, the more experienced ones tend to be moderate and conservative. There are no rules, so it’s important to know the profile of your campaign’s consumers and adapt the tone of voice used.

Some rules usually work well when composing a communication. Avoid being too formal in the texts so that it doesn’t seem that there is a huge distance between you and the reader, and personalize the message so that identification with the dialogue is immediate.

Show Your Brand Value

When a consumer allows a brand to send communications via SMS, email, or any other channel, it is as if they were opening the door to their own house. Therefore, observe whether your messages offer a positive value proposition and immediate understanding in exchange for the consumer allowing your company to be part of his personal life.

To ensure that the SMS marketing strategy is relevant, the ideal is to target messages with the precision of surgery. This means adopting a campaign management solution that allows you to understand the database, define the approach strategy and operationalize your campaigns so that your decision-making has true arguments. No schisms, okay?

Create Promotions, Coupons, And Loyalty Programs

The consumer loves to receive some benefit or advantage. Many times, I even buy on impulse without even needing it. Therefore, the combination of good offers with good communication, carried out through the correct channel, means certain sales. For example, an ad like: “20% off this weekend only” helps trigger urgency.

Send The Message At The Right Time

Take extra care with shipping times. The customer is unlikely to be happy to receive a communication late at night or in the early hours of the morning. 

In addition to sending your message at the ideal time, organize the frequency of messages so as not to overwhelm the consumer. Depending on your needs, once or twice a week is fine. Oh! And remember to send content only to those who authorized the receipt.

Monitor The Results

Remember to test, test, and test! The communication, the offers, the schedule, and all the variables involved in your campaign. Monitor delivery time and the results obtained for each customer profile, each type of offer, and communication to understand which strategy is winning and has better adherence.

Also Read: What Advantages Of Marketing For Local Businesses?

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