HomeTECHNOLOGYWhat Is Google News? Everything You Need To Know

What Is Google News? Everything You Need To Know

Google News is a news aggregator that offers selected articles to users based on the search engine’s algorithm. The focus of this resource is to provide comprehensive, up-to-date journalistic coverage of today’s critical issues. 

Google News is an algorithm created to offer relevant information to the public through selected articles. It works both as its app and as part of the Google app and browser on mobile devices.

The tool selects some of the main headlines of the moment from sources considered reliable, divided into several segments.

What Is Google News?

Google News is a news aggregator created to facilitate user access to relevant information. So, instead of the reader searching for interesting articles to read, the tool itself offers these headlines to them automatically. 

This feature can be accessed through the “Google News” application for Android or iOS or through the tool’s website in the browser and allows the user to make a series of modifications to the algorithm.

How To Customize Your Preferences On Google News?

Google News is not limited to offering the same content to all users: it is possible to personalize what you receive in the app.

Each person can determine the topics on which they wish to receive relevant material, such as: 

  • News about your favorite team;
  • Weather forecast;
  • Traffic;
  • Stock Exchange;
  • Policy;
  • Economy.

When you open Google News for the first time, you will be on the aggregator’s home page with a section dedicated to “Your News.”

When you scroll down, you will see news related to “Your subjects,” which are automatically generated by the platform. The subjects are:

  • World;
  • Business;
  • Science and technology;
  • Entertainment;
  • Sports;
  • Health.

Before reaching the end of the homepage, you can also check the “For you” sections, with personalized news, as well as “Sources” with journalistic highlights and “Fact Check,” which uses independent sources.

If you don’t follow any topic, location, or source, suggestions will be made automatically by the algorithm on the home page. 

From this point on, the “Following” column, previously empty, will be filled with the most relevant articles on the chosen topics.

How Can Google News Help Your SEO Strategy?

Now that you understand how Google News works, let’s find out how to use it in your SEO strategy.

To do this, it is essential to understand that Google News headlines tend to appear in several organic search results.

In other words, in addition to being recommended to the user, they also appear among the main results for a given query, which can boost your traffic considerably.

We are talking about a dynamic resource; that is, seasonal and temporary content tends to provide more satisfactory results. After all, news comes and goes, and each user’s feed changes from one day to the next.

And all you need to reap these benefits is for your content to be among the recommendations! 

To do this, it is essential to understand that Google News prioritizes journalistic content, as the central idea is to inform the reader. 

Therefore, only news has any chance of appearing in these results; that is, advertising content and salespeople are out of this equation.

But after all, how do you appear in Google News? Let’s understand. 

How To Be Found By Google News?

In addition to writing a news story, you need to pay attention to some prerequisites for Google News to share your content with readers.

First, create a specific .xml sitemap for your news and register your site on Google Webmaster Tools. These actions help Google robots crawl these pages.

Create a news section on your website and have a specific URL for each article published, and finally, register the domain in the Google News form.

Your website will be evaluated based on these criteria, and if it meets them, it will become one of the tool’s journalistic highlights!

Be Another Trusted Source For Google And Its Users!

With Google News, you put your website in the spotlight on the biggest showcase on the internet. In addition to generating qualified traffic with the platform’s automatic recommendations, you also position your news among the highlights of the SERP.

To do this, it is necessary to follow a series of critical criteria so that the search engine starts to see you as a reliable source for its users.

Also Read: How To Publish On Google News?

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